Reminder: MTAS August Art Challenge ‘Fabulous Fakes’

Reminder: MTAS Online Art Challenge August 2021
“Fabulous Fakes”

Don’t forget we have our August Art Challenge on at the moment! You can take part from the comfort of your own home and posting through the MTAS Facebook page.

The Challenge theme will differ month to month. The theme for August is “Fabulous Fakes.”

For our August’s theme you can paint, draw, create an artwork that is inspired by, in the style of, or a re-creation of an artwork by any great or renowned historical artist. The artwork needs to be out of copyright, being more than 70 years old.

Please remember any artwork made in this fashion must be signed with the word: “After” followed by the original artist’s name. So for example: “By John Doe – After Mondrian” or “Jane Doe After Van Gogh.”

For this Challenge small to medium sized artworks are accepted. You must include: the size, medium it is created in and price can be included also. (This way if anyone likes your work they can contact you directly and make a purchase!). If it is not for sale please note NFS.

Members and non members are welcome to join this challenge!

To enter you can submit a photo of your artwork as a reply to the Challenge post on the MTAS facebook page.

Entries need to be replied to the post by the 10th of September and we will be discussing the entries at the September MTAS Monthly Meeting on Tuesday 14th via Zoom!

Let’s get creative everyone!

— MTAS Committee.
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