Musson Lane Gallery will open again on Saturday, 4th July with COVID safe measures

Musson Lane Gallery will reopen on Saturday, 4th July
10am to 4pm with COVID safe practices in place

Good news everyone!

We have decided to open the Musson Lane Gallery this coming Saturday, 4th July and every Saturday after that, considering Government regulations for COVID19 safety precautions.

You can explore the Gallery from 10am-4pm each Saturday. Social distancing and safe practices will be followed.

There are lots of paintings, pottery, jewellery, and more for your viewing enjoyment.

The address is Unit 2, 1 Musson Lane, Richmond, NSW 2753

A note for our members is that we also need more volunteers to man the exhib each Saturday so please contact Sheila for more info on that one.

We have a kitchen so you can BYO lunch.

For any further questions or to register your interest please email  info [@]  or call Sheila on 0408 161 284.

Looking forward to seeing you there!


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