Monthly Meeting AGM Sept 14th 2021

AGM, Monthly Meeting September 14th 2021

It’s almost September, which means we have our Annual General Meeting.

This Meeting is scheduled for September the 14th at 7.30pm.

Due to lockdown restrictions this Meeting will be held through zoom.

Please register your attendance at info [@]

Here is the Zoom link for the night:

After the AGM, Satya Morrison will be giving a presentation about Digital Art & How To Optimise Images for the Web. Covering a range of Software and techniques to make and manage your Digital Art & Images online. Satya has over 25 years experience in this field.

Your Art Society Needs You!

Our Art Society is run by volunteers and our dedicated committee has worked very hard through the year to keep things going during these challenging times.

We are always in need of new people to help run the Society and would love to see some more members helping out with the roles listed below.

If you, your friends or family can assist please let us know. You do not need to be an artist yourself to fill these roles, but some interest in arts and crafts is welcome.

To nominate yourself or another person please email to info [@]

We want our Art Society to continue well into the future with many successful artistic endeavours to come, so please consider helping out!

REMEMBER we also need members present to vote!

All positions will be declared vacant on the night and anyone interested in taking on a position to help out the Society can email info [@] or call Pat Bakarich on 0415 200 446 for more information.

The Committee positions are listed below:

(1) President

(2) Vice President

(3) Secretary

(4) Treasurer

(5) Assistant Secretary

(6) Assistant Treasurer

(7) Publicity Officer

(8) Membership Officer

(9) Functions Officer

(10) Children’s Art Classes Co-ordinator

We also have Non Committee Positions that need to be filled. This means you have a role to help the society but are not expected to attend committee meetings, even though most welcome, if you would like to: Newsletter & Graphic Editor, Field day Organiser, Exhibition Manager, Exhibition Equip Mgr, Catering Supper, Catering Exhibitions, Functions RSA, Public Officer, CASS Representative, Librarian, Assistant Librarian, Open Day Organisers (Yarramundi), and Historian/Archives Officer.

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