Category: Musson Lane Open Day

MTAS Open Day – Wed, May 4th 2022

MTAS Open Day
Wednesday, May 4th 2022
From 10am – 4pm

We have our Art Group Open Day, this 4th May from 10am to 4pm.

You can enjoy the company of fellow art enthusiasts, bring a project, art, craft, or any hobby.
You can watch or paint along with our DVD collection as well.

Members and guests are welcome.

We have COVID Safe measures and social distancing in place.

Please bring your own food. We have tea, coffee, etc an oven and a microwave in our kitchen.

The address is Unit 2, 1 Musson Lane, Richmond, NSW 2753

Our next Open Day is the 18th of May 2022.

Look forward to seeing you there!
May the fourth be with you.

For more news about MTAS, you can follow us on our channels:
MTAS blog:

Musson Lane Gallery Open This Sat, 30th April 2022

Musson Lane Gallery Open
This Saturday, 30th April 2022
From 10am – 4pm

Come and visit us at the Musson Lane Gallery this Saturday, 30th April from 10am-4pm. 

It’s a great opportunity to appreciate some local creativity and purchase beautiful original art and lovely hand made gifts for yourself, friends and family.

We have unique local paintings, pottery, jewellery, resin crafts and more.

Our current featured artist is Gloria Galvin, and we have over 100 works from our members to view. You can also meet some of the artists on duty and join in with your local art community!

Covid safe practices are in place at our Gallery.
We look forward to seeing you this Saturday!

The address is Unit 2, 1 Musson Lane, Richmond, NSW 2753.

For more news about MTAS, you can follow us on our channels:

MTAS blog

Reminder: MTAS Open Day Tomorrow, 20th April 2022

MTAS Open Day Tomorrow
Wednesday, 20th April
10am – 4pm

Reminding all that our next Open Day is tomorrow Wednesday, 20th April from 10am to 4pm.

Come and join us for the company of fellow art enthusiasts, bring a project, art, craft, or any hobby.
You can also watch or paint along with our DVD collection and look at our extensive library of art and craft books.

Members and guests are welcome.

We have COVID Safe measures and social distancing in place.

Please bring your own art materials and food.

We have milk, tea, coffee, an oven and a microwave in our kitchen.

The address is Unit 2, 1 Musson Lane, Richmond, NSW 2753

For more news about MTAS, you can follow us on our channels:
MTAS blog:

MTAS Open Day – Wed, April 6th 2022

MTAS Open Day
Wednesday, April 6th 2022
From 10am – 4pm

We have our Art Group Open Day, this 6th April from 10am to 4pm.

You can enjoy the company of fellow art enthusiasts, bring a project, art, craft, or any hobby.
You can watch or paint along with our DVD collection as well.

Members and guests are welcome.

We have COVID Safe measures and social distancing in place.

Please bring your own food. We have tea, coffee, etc an oven and a microwave in our kitchen.

The address is Unit 2, 1 Musson Lane, Richmond, NSW 2753

Our next Open Days are 20th April, 4th & 18th May 2022.

Look forward to seeing you there!

For more news about MTAS, you can follow us on our channels:
MTAS blog:

MTAS Gallery March Feature Artist – Margaret Cooper

Musson Lane Gallery
March Feature Artist – Margaret Cooper

We are very pleased to have Margaret Cooper as our Feature Artist at Musson Lane Gallery for the month of March. Come and visit to view Margaret’s beautiful array of artworks this Saturday from 10am-4pm.

Margaret has travelled overseas in her youth in pursuit of her study of painting; however “life” dictated that she earn a living, which led to her working in Europe while exploring the works of European artists and attending drawing workshops.

She would often sketch and paint in her wanderings throughout Europe during holiday adventures and pass them onto friends.

Once back in Australia and nearing retirement, Margaret then spent some years painting on porcelain, though she has since sold her kiln. She was the winner of “The Porcelain Palette” at the Penrith Show in 2019.

Margaret also spent some years living in Cairns and turned to painting with oils as a change from porcelain painting. She regularly sold both porcelain art pieces and canvas paintings at the combined art coop in Lake Street, Cairns CBD and at the local markets.

Mainly self-taught, she was inspired to paint the flora and fauna of the tropical rainforest as well as the richness of the entangled rainforest itself, seeking to create mood through land and water scapes with colour, shape and shadow and to depict wildelife in its various forms.

She is a member of the Macquarie Towns Art Society and regularly exhibits with us and at venues in the Hawkesbury and other nearby areas.

She won a “Highly Commended” for her painting “On the Road to West Wyalong” at the 2021 Hawkesbury Show.

Margaret’s art captures a unique visual essence of the native Australian imagery of flora & fauna.

To view more or purchase an artwork of Margaret’s portfolio you can visit her website here:

Social distancing and Covid safe practices are in place at our Gallery.
We look forward to seeing you soon!

The address is Unit 2, 1 Musson Lane, Richmond, NSW 2753.


Next MTAS Open Day on Wednesday, 2nd March 2022

MTAS Open Day
Wednesday, 2nd March
10am – 4pm

We have our next Open Day on Wednesday, 2nd March from 10am to 4pm.

Come enjoy the company of fellow art enthusiasts, bring a project, art, craft, or any hobby.
You can watch or paint along with our DVD collection as well.

Members and guests are welcome.

We have COVID Safe measures and social distancing in place.

Please bring your own food. We have tea, coffee, etc an oven and a microwave in our kitchen.

The address is Unit 2, 1 Musson Lane, Richmond, NSW 2753

For more news about MTAS, you can follow us on our channels:
MTAS blog:

Musson Lane Gallery Open This Sat 19th Feb 2022

Musson Lane Gallery OPEN This Saturday!
19th February, 10am – 4pm

The MTAS Gallery at Musson Lane is open Saturday, 19th February 2022, from 10am-4pm. Come down and visit the gallery to view our beautiful local art and crafts.

It’s a great opportunity to enjoy some local creativity and purchase unique local paintings, pottery, jewellery, resin crafts and more.

We have our feature artist wall of Frank Hodgert’s beautiful works to admire, plus lots of other original art and lovely hand made gifts for yourself, friends and family.

We also have beautiful works hanging from our members including Chris Seale, Jeanette Starr, Margaret Cooper, Pat Latta, Peter Jansen, Yvonne West, James Paciullo, Sally Thompson, Alfred Blakers, Maryanne Jones, Stephen Hoysted, Sharron Whittington, Kathy Bale, Josephine Blue, Deidre Morrison, Narelle Ward and more…

You can also meet some of the artists on duty and join in with your local art community!

We look forward to seeing you this Saturday!

The address is Unit 2, 1 Musson Lane, Richmond, NSW 2753.

For more news about MTAS, you can follow us on our channels:

MTAS blog

Musson Lane Gallery Open This Sat 12th Feb 2022

Musson Lane Gallery OPEN This Saturday!
12th February, 10am – 4pm

The MTAS Gallery at Musson Lane is open this Saturday, 12th February 2022, from 10am-4pm.

Come down and visit the gallery to view our beautiful local art and crafts.

We have our feature artist wall of Frank Hodgert’s beautiful works to admire, plus lots of other original art and lovely hand made gifts for yourself, friends and family.

You can view and purchase unique local paintings, pottery, jewellery, resin crafts and more every Saturday.

Meet some of the artists on duty and join in with your local art community!

Social distancing and Covid safe practices are in place, including Double Vaccination proof for entry.

We look forward to seeing you this Saturday!

The address is Unit 2, 1 Musson Lane, Richmond, NSW 2753.

For more news about MTAS, you can follow us on our channels:

MTAS blog

MTAS Open Day, Wed 2nd February 2022

MTAS Paint Along Open Day is back for 2022!
Wednesday, 2nd February 10am – 4pm

Our first MTAS Paint Along Open Day of 2022 is on Wednesday, 2nd February from 10am to 4pm.

Enjoy the company of fellow art enthusiasts, bring a project, art, craft, or any hobby.
You can watch or paint along with our DVD collection as well.

Members and guests are welcome.

We will have COVID Safe measures and social distancing in place.

Please provide Proof of Double Vaccination when you attend – either digital or on paper.

We have hand sanitiser and wipes, BYO mask. We have enough space and rooms for people to decently spread out to allow for safe distancing 1.5m apart with current legislation.
All surfaces are regularly sanitised and wiped down.

Please bring your own food. We have tea, coffee, etc an oven and a microwave in our kitchen. All are cleaned & sanitised after use.

The address is Unit 2, 1 Musson Lane, Richmond, NSW 2753

For more news about MTAS, you can follow us on our channels:

MTAS blog

MTAS Survey for New Premises

Important Notice for All MTAS Members

Dear Members,

At some point during 2022 it will be necessary for MTAS to relocate from it’s current premises at Musson Lane.

We have a sub-committee looking for alternate properties and to ensure we do our best to obtain premises that cater for our ongoing needs, we have formulated 5 important questions for members to answer.

These questions relate only to activities to be undertaken within our new premises and all other current activities, shows, exhibitions undertaken by MTAS remain as is.

Please click this link to fill out the Survey:

If you would like to offer any further ideas or have any questions please email info [@]

Thank you,

Your MTAS Committee

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