Category: Monthly Meeting

MTAS Annual General Meeting & Talk with Diana Robson

MTAS Annual General Meeting
Tuesday, 12th Sept 2023, 7.30pm
Followed by Diana Robson from The Hawkesbury Regional Gallery

We will have our Annual General Meeting on Tuesday, 12th September at 7.30pm and then there will be a presentation given by The Hawkesbury Regional Gallery director, Diana Robson.

Come along to form a quorum and vote even if you are not nominating for a role. It is always good to hear our Annual Reports and support your Society.

If you feel you could assist with Committee in any capacity big or small we always welcome more helping hands. It is a great experience helping a local community group that has been in operation for over 65 years in the Hawkesbury.

Support your Art Society and then join us after our AGM to learn more about The Regional Gallery.

Some information on our local Hawkesbury Regional Gallery:

The Hawkesbury Regional Gallery opened in 2005 and was part of a major upgrade of cultural facilities undertaken by Hawkesbury City Council. It is a prominent public gallery within North-Western Sydney and the NSW Regional Galleries network.

Curating a large proportion of exhibitions in-house, the program supports regional and NSW artists and brings new work to audiences.

They offer a changing and comprehensive program of classes in visual art including Life Drawing classes for adults, art and craft workshops for children as well as exhibitions in fine art, photography, and design, upholding Hawkesbury’s artistic and creative heritage while showcasing the new and original.

Some of their public programs include artists’ talks and workshops for all ages and after-school and holiday workshops for school-age children.

To know more about the Gallery, you can follow them on their site and socials:
Facebook: hawkesburygallery
Instagram: hawkesburyregional_gallery

Look forward to seeing you at our AGM!

Monthly Meeting, 8th August – Chris Vidal, Landscape in Oils

Monthly Demonstration Meeting
with Chris Vidal – Landscape in Oils
 7.30pm, 8th August 2023

We are welcoming Chris Vidal to demonstrate ‘Landscape in Oils’ at our next monthly meeting on Tuesday, 8th August, 7:30pm at the Stan Stevens Studio, Deerubbin Centre, George St, Windsor.

Come along to see Chris’ unique techniques and work in action.

You can register your attendance by email to  info [@] .

Both members and non-members are welcome to join our meetings to view an inspirational artist at work each month, as well as the opportunity to enjoy networking with like-minded art enthusiasts.

Cost is $5 at the door. Supper is provided and please remember to park outside due to early car park closure.

About Chris Vidal:

Chris Vidal is a contemporary realist artist living in Sydney, Australia. His interest in the arts started at a very young age. He studied classical drawing at the School of Arts in Malta and then pursued a career as a medical scientist and researcher. However, his passion for the arts persisted.

He was interested in oil painting, so he taught himself how to paint using the medium. He eventually gave up his longtime job to pursue a career as a professional artist. His most recent paintings are a variety of still life and travel-inspired depictions of the Australian landscape. Realist and impressionist masters as well as modern painters have an effect on his work.

Chris creates a constant flow of new works and commissioned paintings, from his home studio in Sydney. His works were also published in books and magazines and are found in private and corporate collections in Australia and Internationally.

He is also passionate about teaching people about painting. He has been instructing students in drawing and painting for the past eight years in several Sydney locales. He places equal emphasis on explaining the technique and the rationale behind how it is carried out.

To see more of Chris’ artwork, you can check out his website and socials:

Reminder: Monthly Meeting, 11th July – Tammy Porter, Acrylics

Monthly Demonstration Meeting
with Tammy Porter – Acrylics
 7.30pm, 11th July 2023

This is a reminder letting everyone know that we have Tammy Porter demonstrating Acrylics at our next monthly meeting tomorrow on Tuesday 11th July, 7:30pm at the Stan Stevens Studio, Deerubbin Centre, George St, Windsor.

Come along to see Tammy’s beautiful technique and work in action.

You can register your attendance by email to  info [@] .

Both members and non-members are welcome to join our meetings to view an inspirational artist at work each month, as well as the opportunity to enjoy networking with like-minded art enthusiasts.

Cost is $5 at the door. Supper is provided and please remember to park outside due to early car park closure.

About Tammy Porter:

As an artist, Tammy has participated in different community and cultural projects using mainly Acrylic paint as a medium. Tammy previously worked in a role to promote the healing benefits of arts and social connections at St John of God Hospital, Windsor.

After attending Nepean TAFE and doing a course in graphic design, Tammy used these skills in her office administration roles and in producing a community directory. Tammy is now pursuing her passion and studying a Bachelor of Fine Art, painting online at Curtin University in WA.

Tammy’s cultural background is diverse, being a mix of Aboriginal and different European countries; she is proud to have been able to reconnect with her Aboriginal heritage, become a member, and paint within a community of people from many Aboriginal Nations.

At present, she uses Acrylic paints with an occasional dabble in Watercolours. She finds that acrylics are highly versatile, from the runny and messy qualities of the pouring techniques; to their suitability for dotting and use in Aboriginal art.

Tammy ads that adaptability is one of the medium’s strengths; furthermore, it can be incorporated into mixed media or moulded for textural applications. Tammy initially saw them as an oil replacement, but now she continues to discover and love this medium.

While studying and painting, Tammy’s inspiration is to find a connection between community and self-expression, pushing the boundaries of ideas to seek and define a unique personal style.

Tammy’s artwork “Connections” was awarded 1st prize at the Hawkesbury Show this year.

Monthly Meeting 11th July – Tammy Porter, Acrylics

Monthly Demonstration Meeting
with Tammy Porter – Acrylics
 7.30pm, 11th July 2023

We are delighted to have Tammy Porter demonstrating Acrylics at our next monthly meeting on Tuesday 11th July, 7:30pm at the Stan Stevens Studio, Deerubbin Centre, George St, Windsor.

Come along to see Tammy’s beautiful technique and work in action.

You can register your attendance by email to  info [@] .

Both members and non-members are welcome to join our meetings to view an inspirational artist at work each month, as well as the opportunity to enjoy networking with like-minded art enthusiasts.

Cost is $5 at the door. Supper is provided and please remember to park outside due to early car park closure.

About Tammy Porter:

As an artist, Tammy has participated in different community and cultural projects using mainly Acrylic paint as a medium. Tammy previously worked in a role to promote the healing benefits of arts and social connections at St John of God Hospital, Windsor.

After attending Nepean TAFE and doing a course in graphic design, Tammy used these skills in her office administration roles and in producing a community directory. Tammy is now pursuing her passion and studying a Bachelor of Fine Art, painting online at Curtin University in WA.

Tammy’s cultural background is diverse, being a mix of Aboriginal and different European countries; she is proud to have been able to reconnect with her Aboriginal heritage, become a member, and paint within a community of people from many Aboriginal Nations.

At present, she uses Acrylic paints with an occasional dabble in Watercolours. She finds that acrylics are highly versatile, from the runny and messy qualities of the pouring techniques; to their suitability for dotting and use in Aboriginal art.

Tammy ads that adaptability is one of the medium’s strengths; furthermore, it can be incorporated into mixed media or moulded for textural applications. Tammy initially saw them as an oil replacement, but now she continues to discover and love this medium.

While studying and painting, Tammy’s inspiration is to find a connection between community and self-expression, pushing the boundaries of ideas to seek and define a unique personal style.

Tammy’s artwork “Connections” was awarded 1st prize at the Hawkesbury Show this year.

Reminder: Monthly Meeting 13th June – Dee Jackson Painting a Portrait in Watercolour

Monthly Demonstration Meeting
with Dee Jackson – Portrait in Watercolour
 7.30pm, 13th June 2023

We are delighted to have Dee Jackson back with us to demonstrate ‘Painting a Portrait in Watercolour’ at our next monthly meeting on Tuesday 13th June, 7:30pm at the Stan Stevens Studio, Deerubbin Centre, George St, Windsor.

Come along to see her beautiful technique and work in action.

You can register your attendance by email to  info [@] .

Both members and non-members are welcome to join our meetings to view an inspirational artist at work each month, as well as the opportunity to enjoy networking with like-minded art enthusiasts.

Cost is $5 at the door. Supper is provided and please remember to park outside due to early car park closure.

About Dee Jackson:

Watercolour is Dee’s great love. For her, it is the fluid spontaneity that has the attraction. Watercolour, as a medium, lends itself to the softness and curves of the human form. It allows the artist great freedom.

Whenever she creates a portrait, she becomes aware of the almost seamless link we have with our past or future, our hopes, joys, or sorrows. For her, portraiture by its very nature is an intimate experience. Preoccupied as we often are, perhaps from very different backgrounds, there is always a human connection.

For Dee, although each portrait essentially begins the same way – with discussion, planning, sketching, watercolour washes and glazes – ultimately the creation of each portrait is an individual experience.

Her portraits have been commissioned throughout Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, South Africa, Sweden, the United Kingdom, the USA, and Vietnam.

You can see more of Dee’s work here:

Monthly Meeting 13th June – Dee Jackson Painting a Portrait in Watercolour

Monthly Demonstration Meeting
with Dee Jackson – Portrait in Watercolour
 7.30pm, 13th June 2023

We are delighted to have Dee Jackson back with us to demonstrate ‘Painting a Portrait in Watercolour’ at our next monthly meeting on Tuesday 13th June, 7:30pm at the Stan Stevens Studio, Deerubbin Centre, George St, Windsor.

Come along to see her beautiful technique and work in action.

You can register your attendance by email to  info [@] .

Both members and non-members are welcome to join our meetings to view an inspirational artist at work each month, as well as the opportunity to enjoy networking with like-minded art enthusiasts.

Cost is $5 at the door. Supper is provided and please remember to park outside due to early car park closure.

About Dee Jackson:

Watercolour is Dee’s great love. For her, it is the fluid spontaneity that has the attraction. Watercolour, as a medium, lends itself to the softness and curves of the human form. It allows the artist great freedom.

Whenever she creates a portrait, she becomes aware of the almost seamless link we have with our past or future, our hopes, joys, or sorrows. For her, portraiture by its very nature is an intimate experience. Preoccupied as we often are, perhaps from very different backgrounds, there is always a human connection.

For Dee, although each portrait essentially begins the same way – with discussion, planning, sketching, watercolour washes and glazes – ultimately the creation of each portrait is an individual experience.

Her portraits have been commissioned throughout Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, South Africa, Sweden, the United Kingdom, the USA, and Vietnam.

You can see more of Dee’s work here:

Reminder: MTAS Monthly Demo Meeting – Felting with Rae Woolnough, 9th May 2023

Monthly Demonstration Meeting
with Rae Woolnough – Felting
 7.15pm for 7.30pm, 9th May 2023

We are looking forward to welcoming Rae Woolnough to Demonstrate at our May Monthly meeting next week on Tuesday, 9th, 7:30pm at the Stan Stevens Room, Deerubbin Center Windsor.

Please note our Special General Meeting will be at 7.15pm to cover some updates for our Society so please come to this before hand and then the Demo with Rae will be on at 7.30pm.

Rae will be demonstrating the beautiful Textile Art of Felting for us. Come along to see this stunning medium being demonstrated as a precursor to our brilliant Full day Workshop with Rae on the 4th of June.

You can register your attendance to the Demo Meeting on 9th May by email to  info [@] .

If you are interested in the Full Day Workshop, look out for more info on our website and email. You can let us know if you want to attend by emailing info [@] .

Both members and non-members are welcome to join our meetings to view an inspirational artist at work each month, as well as the opportunity to enjoy networking with like-minded art enthusiasts.

The cost is $5 at the door. Supper is provided and please remember to park outside due to early car park closure.

About Rae Woolnough:

Rae Woolnough is a Textile Artist who specialises in the medium of felt.

Rae’s love of art and textiles has been a lifelong interest, from sewing her first garment at eight years of age to designing and making her own wedding dress, there has always been a connection with textiles and design.

Rae discovered felting fifteen years ago and since then has experimented and researched felt making, exploring new and different techniques and textural directions.

She prefers working with natural products such as fine merino wool, alpaca, and silk and is on a constant quest to find beautiful and unique yarns to use as embellishments in her artworks.

Rae has exhibited her work through solo and group exhibitions in galleries throughout Australia. Her artworks are held in collections throughout Australia and Internationally.

She was also featured in Season 4, Ep 4 of the international arts television program:-  “Put Some Colour in Your Life”.

You can see more of Rae’s work here:

For inquiries about this demonstration phone Leigh on 0401 228 624.

Look forward to seeing you there!

#mtas #macquarietownsartssociety #raewoolnough #demomeeting #raewoolnoughdemo #raewoolnoughartworks #textileartist #textileart #felt #feltart #australianartist #artworks #AUartist #mtasdemomeeting

MTAS Monthly Demo Meeting – Felting with Rae Woolnough, 9th May 2023

Monthly Demonstration Meeting
with Rae Woolnough – Felting
 7.30pm, 9th May 2023

We are looking forward to welcoming Rae Woolnough to Demonstrate at our May Monthly meeting on Tuesday, 9th, 7:30pm at the Stan Stevens Room, Deerubbin Center Windsor.

Rae will be demonstrating the fantastic Textile Art of Felting for us. Come along to see this beautiful medium being demonstrated ahead of a great Full day Workshop with Rae that we have planned for the 4th of June.

You can register your attendance to the Demo Meeting on 9th May by email to  info [@] .

If you are interested in the Full Day Workshop stay tuned for more info or you can email your interest to info [@] also.

Both members and non-members are welcome to join our meetings to view an inspirational artist at work each month, as well as the opportunity to enjoy networking with like-minded art enthusiasts.

The cost is $5 at the door. Supper is provided and please remember to park outside due to early car park closure.

About Rae Woolnough:

Rae Woolnough is a Textile Artist who specialises in the medium of felt.

Rae’s love of art and textiles has been a lifelong interest, from sewing her first garment at eight years of age to designing and making her own wedding dress, there has always been a connection with textiles and design.

Rae discovered felting fifteen years ago and since then has experimented and researched felt making, exploring new and different techniques and textural directions.

She prefers working with natural products such as fine merino wool, alpaca, and silk and is on a constant quest to find beautiful and unique yarns to use as embellishments in her artworks.

Rae has exhibited her work through solo and group exhibitions in galleries throughout Australia. Her artworks are held in collections throughout Australia and Internationally.

She was also featured in Season 4, Ep 4 of the international arts television program:-  “Put Some Colour in Your Life”.

You can see more of Rae’s work here:

For inquiries about this demonstration phone Satya on 0405 337 652.

Look forward to seeing you there!

#mtas #macquarietownsartssociety #raewoolnough #demomeeting #raewoolnoughdemo #raewoolnoughartworks #textileartist #textileart #felt #feltart #australianartist #artworks #AUartist #mtasdemomeeting

Reminder: MTAS Monthly Demo Meeting – Watercolour with Joachim Lai, 11th April 2023

Monthly Demonstration Meeting
with Joachim Lai – Watercolour
 7.30pm, 11th April 2023

We’re excited to have Joachim Lai for our April Monthly meeting!

The meeting is next week Tuesday, 11th April, 7:30pm at the Stan Stevens Room, Deerubbin Center Windsor. Come along to see Joachim’s skillful work in action.

Joachim will be demonstrating watercolour for us. He will paint a half-sheet landscape with sky, distant mountains, middle ground, and foreground. If time permits, he might also do another painting for us.

You can register your attendance by email to  info [@] .

Both members and non-members are welcome to join our meetings to view an inspirational artist at work each month, as well as the opportunity to enjoy networking with like-minded art enthusiasts.

Cost is $5 at the door. Supper is provided and please remember to park outside due to early car park closure.

About Joachim Lai:

Joachim Lai is trained as a High School geography teacher and retired in May 2007 after 17 years in a state high school. He completed an American correspondence Fine Art Painting Course from Famous Artists School.

His paintings were in acrylic medium from 1981 to 1987. However, he started painting seriously in watercolour in 1988. (To date he has sold more than 350 paintings).

Joachim has demonstrated his talent for watercolour painting extensively at 6 art societies around Sydney. He has also participated in group exhibitions at Windsor Attic Gallery 3 times.

He was also represented by Dural/ Old Northern Gallery from 1988 to 2008 and has held 3 solo exhibitions at a high school.

Joachim has seldom participated in art competitions but has won numerous awards including 3 First Prizes in art societies, and Highly Commended awards many times. He has also had one of his paintings published in the Australian Artist Magazine.

Joachim’s paintings can be viewed at:

For inquiries about this demonstration phone Satya at 0405 337 652.

Look forward to seeing you there!

#mtas #macquarietownsartssociety #joachimlai #demomeeting #joachimlaidemo #joachimlaiartworks #australianartist #artworks #AUartist #mtasdemomeeting

MTAS Monthly Demo Meeting – Watercolour with Joachim Lai, 11th April 2023

Monthly Demonstration Meeting
with Joachim Lai – Watercolour
 7.30pm, 11th April 2023

We’re excited to have Joachim Lai for our April Monthly meeting!

The meeting is on Tuesday, 11th April, 7:30pm at the Stan Stevens Room, Deerubbin Center Windsor. Come along to see Joachim’s skillful work in action.

Joachim will be demonstrating watercolour for us. He will paint a half-sheet landscape with sky, distant mountains, middle ground, and foreground. If time permits, he might also do another painting for us.

You can register your attendance by email to  info [@] .

Both members and non-members are welcome to join our meetings to view an inspirational artist at work each month, as well as the opportunity to enjoy networking with like-minded art enthusiasts.

Cost is $5 at the door. Supper is provided and please remember to park outside due to early car park closure.

About Joachim Lai:

Joachim Lai is trained as a High School geography teacher and retired in May 2007 after 17 years in a state high school. He completed an American correspondence Fine Art Painting Course from Famous Artists School.

His paintings were in acrylic medium from 1981 to 1987. However, he started painting seriously in watercolour in 1988. (To date he has sold more than 350 paintings).

Joachim has demonstrated his talent for watercolour painting extensively at 6 art societies around Sydney. He has also participated in group exhibitions at Windsor Attic Gallery 3 times.

He was also represented by Dural/ Old Northern Gallery from 1988 to 2008 and has held 3 solo exhibitions at a high school.

Joachim has seldom participated in art competitions but has won numerous awards including 3 First Prizes in art societies, and Highly Commended awards many times. He has also had one of his paintings published in the Australian Artist Magazine.

Joachim’s paintings can be viewed at:

For inquiries about this demonstration phone Satya at 0405 337 652.

Look forward to seeing you there!

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