Category: Annual General Meeting

Annual General Meeting & Guest Speaker Kath Von Witt – Hawkesbury Regional Gallery – Tuesday 10th September

Our Monthly meeting for September is on Tuesday 10th, and will be our Annual General Meeting, followed by guest speaker Kath Von Witt representing the Hawkesbury Regional Gallery and what it is doing for art and our community.

The Regional Gallery is a center for the Hawkesbury’s artistic and creative heritage while showcasing new and original exhibitions. Offering Public programs including artists talks, classes and workshops for all ages, adults and children.

For more info about Hawkesbury Regional Gallery you can visit:

The AGM is Tuesday, 10th September, 7.30pm at the Stan Stevens Studio, Deerubbin Centre, George St, Windsor.

The AGM will start at 7.30pm and Kath Von Witt will follow after.

Our Art Society is run by volunteers and the dedicated committee has worked very hard through this year.

A big thank you to those who have helped!

We need new people to step up to help run the Society.

Please consider helping with the roles listed below.

If you, a friend or family member can assist please speak up and volunteer. You do not need to be an artist yourself to fill these roles, but some interest in art and craft is welcomed.

We have a new home this year at Musson Lane in Richmond and we look forward to the future with many successful artistic endeavours to come.

Don’t forget we need members present to vote as well!

All positions will be declared vacant on the night and anyone who needs more information on any of the roles before hand please email info [@] or call our secretary Pat on 0415 200 446.

The Committee positions are as follows:

(1) President

(2) Vice President

(3) Secretary

(4) Treasurer

(5) Assistant Secretary

(6) Assistant Treasurer

(7) Publicity Officer

(8) Membership Officer

(9) Functions Officer

(10) Children’s Art Classes Co-ordinator

We also have Non Committee Positions that need to be filled:

This means you have a role to help the society but are not expected to attend committee meetings, even though most welcome, if you would like to attend: Newsletter & Graphic Editor, Field day Organiser, Exhibition Manager, Exhibition Equip Mgr, Catering Supper, Catering Exhibitions, Functions RSA, Public Officer, CASS Representative, Librarian, Assistant Librarian, Open Day Organisers (Yarramundi), and Historian/Archives Officer.

(Please arrange to park outside of Library due to carpark early closure)

Entry for this meeting is Free for MTAS members and visitors (includes supper)

For inquiries phone Annmaree 0429 234 873

Look forward to your support. See you there!


Annual General Meeting & Guest Speaker Kerri Ainsworth – Art Travel Adventures – 11th September 7:30 pm

In September, we have our Annual General Meeting followed by guest speaker Kerri Ainsworth to talk about ART Travel Adventures.

The AGM is on Tuesday, 11th September, 7.30pm at the Stan Stevens Studio, Deerubbin Centre, George St, Windsor.

Proceedings this year will start at 7.30pm and then Kerri Ainsworth will follow after.

As you know, our Art Society is run by volunteers and our dedicated committee has worked very hard through the year to keep things going. A big thank you to those who have helped this year!

We are in need of new people to step up to help run the Society. We would love to see some more members helping out with the roles listed below.

If you or a friend or family member can assist please let us know. You do not need to be an artist yourself to fill these roles, but some interest in art and craft is welcomed.

We want the Arts Society to continue into the future with
many successful artistic endeavours to come, so please consider filling a role!

And don’t forget we need members present to vote!

All positions will be declared vacant on the night and anyone who needs more information before hand can email info [@] or call Narelle on 02 4565 9222.

The Committee positions are listed below:

(1) President

(2) Vice President

(3) Secretary

(4) Treasurer

(5) Assistant Secretary

(6) Assistant Treasurer

(7) Publicity Officer

(8) Membership Officer

(9) Functions Officer

(10) Children’s Art Classes Co-ordinator

We also have Non Committee Positions that need to be filled. This means you have a role to help the society but are not expected to attend committee meetings, even though most welcome, if you would like to: Newsletter & Graphic Editor, Field day Organiser, Exhibition Manager, Exhibition Equip Mgr, Catering Supper, Catering Exhibitions, Functions RSA, Public Officer, CASS Representative, Librarian, Assistant Librarian, Open Day Organisers (Yarramundi), and Historian/Archives Officer.

After the AGM we have Kerri Ainsworth – ART Travel Adventures

Kerri will discuss ART Travel Adventures.

Kerri Ainsworth is the principal of Art Travel Adventures. A Production Designer and Creative Director with over 25 years’ experience working in film, television and the events industries. The scope of her practice includes designing and project managing the fabrication and installation of large-scale artworks and environments for special events and public spaces.

ART Travel Adventures is a boutique art and travel company, which combines immersive cultural experiences, with art workshops in exotic locations.

They bring together master artists, skilled travel guides and local experts and include sumptuous accommodation, in historic buildings, with adventures in dining, cultural festivals and art workshops.

This includes art workshops in picturesque locations around Australia with high profile artists, to travelling to exotic overseas locations with the artist.

The inspiration behind ART Travel Adventures was to create an artist’s community; a space where creative people can learn, experiment and network.

Her workshops cater for those who want to expand their art practice, share ideas with others and meet like-minded people.

More about Kerri and ART Travel Adventures:

7.30pm Tuesday 11th September at the Stan Stevens Studio, Windsor Library, Deerubbin Centre, George St, Windsor

(Please arrange to park outside of Library due to carpark early closure)

Entry is free for MTAS members and visitors (includes supper)

For inquiries phone Kym 0413 809 685.

Look forward to seeing you there.

Monthly Meeting AGM & Guest Speaker David Briggs – Scientific Colour Theory – 12th September 7pm

In September, we have our Annual General Meeting followed by our guest speaker David Briggs to talk about Scientific Colour Theory.

This Meeting for September is on Tuesday 12th, 7pm at the Stans Stevens Studio, Deerubbin Centre, George St, Windsor.

Our Art Society is run by volunteers and our dedicated committee has worked hard through the year to keep things going.

We are always in need of new people to help run the Society, and would love to see some more members helping out with the roles listed below.

If you or a friend or family member can assist please let us know. You do not need to be an artist yourself to fill these roles, but some interest in art and craft is welcomed.

We want our Arts Society to continue well into the future with many successful artistic endeavours to come, so please consider helping out!

And don’t forget we also need members present to vote!

All positions will be declared vacant on the night and anyone interested in taking on a position to help out the Society can email info [@] or call Narelle on 02 4565 9222 for more information.

The Committee positions are listed below:

(1) President

(2) Vice President

(3) Secretary

(4) Treasurer

(5) Assistant Secretary

(6) Assistant Treasurer

(7) Publicity Officer

(8) Membership Officer

(9) Functions Officer

(10) Children’s Art Classes Co-ordinator

We also have Non Committee Positions that need to be filled. This means you have a role to help the society but are not expected to attend committee meetings, even though most welcome, if you would like to: Newsletter & Graphic Editor, Field day Organiser, Exhibition Manager, Exhibition Equip Mgr, Catering Supper, Catering Exhibitions, Functions RSA, Public Officer, CASS Representative, Librarian, Assistant Librarian, Open Day Organisers (Yarramundi), and Historian/Archives Officer.

Monthly Demonstration – 12th September: David Briggs
Scientific Colour Theory

David will discuss Scientific Colour Theory.

David teaches scientific colour theory at Julian Ashton’s Art School and the National Art school. He is the Chairperson of the NSW Division of the Colour Society of Australia and is internationally regarded as an expert on the matter.

David ‘s website

7.00pm Tuesday 12th September at the Stan Stevens Studio, Windsor Library, Deerubbin Centre, George St, Windsor
(Please arrange to park outside of Library due to carpark early closure)

Entry is free for MTAS members and visitors (includes supper)

For Enquiries phone Dario 0431 114 861

Monthly Meeting AGM & Demonstration Steve Leadenham – 8th September 7pm

This month for our meeting we have our Annual General Meeting and then after the proceedings we are pleased to welcome Steve Leadenham to demonstrate his Transport Art – Trains, Planes & Automobiles in Oils. The Monthly Meeting for September is on Tuesday the 8th, 7pm at the Stans Stevens Studio, Deerubbin Centre, George St, Windsor.

As a society the MTAS is run by volunteers. This year we have had a very dedicated committee who have worked hard and at our AGM there will be some vacating these positions and not able to return for personal reasons.

We would like to appeal to the wider Hawkesbury Community to any out there that might be interested in helping the society particularly for our Treasury book keeping position, and the role of President. You do not need to be an artist yourself to fill these roles, but some interest in art and craft is welcomed.

This year it would be fantastic if we could have some new faces. If you or your family/friends may be able to take on a role it would be a great help to keep the Art Society running. Please consider a position as we all know that many hands make light work!

We want our Arts Society to continue well into the future with many successful artistic endeavours to come.

Anyone who is interesting in taking on a postion to help out the Society can email to info [@] or call Sharron on 02 4572 5580

The Committee positions are listed below:

(1) President

(2) Vice President

(3) Secretary

(4) Treasurer

(5) Assistant Secretary

(6) Assistant Treasurer

(7) Publicity Officer

(8) Membership Officer

(9) Functions Officer

(10) Children’s Art Classes Co-ordinator

We also have Non Committee Positions that need to be filled. This means you have a role to help the society but are not expected to attend committee meetings, even though most welcome to if you would like to: Newsletter & Graphic Editor, Field day Organiser, Exhibition Manager, Exhibition Equip Mgr, Catering Supper, Catering Exhibitions, Functions RSA, Public Officer, CASS Representative, Librarian, Assistant Librarian, Open Day Organisers (Yarramundi), and Historian/Archives Officer.

Monthly Demonstration – 8th September: Steve Leadenham
Transport Art – Trains, Planes & Automobiles in Oils


Steve will be doing Transport Art – Trains, Planes & Automobiles in Oils.

Steve is a Sydney based artist specialising in transport-themed subjects. Although he has painted all his life, he has been painting to an increasing audience of transport enthusiasts and professionals since 2003 focusing on works in oils and acrylics. He has been exhibiting at regional art shows over the past ten years at which Steve has sold many paintings and received a number of awards. He also had a number of solo exhibitions and displays and have demonstrated his technique to many art groups across the Sydney area.

Steve ‘s website and facebook

7.00pm Tuesday 8th September at the Stan Stevens Studio, Windsor Library, Deerubbin Centre, George St, Windsor
(Please arrange to park outside of Library due to carpark early closure)

Entry is free for MTAS members and visitors (includes supper)

For Enquiries phone Sharron on 02 4572 5580

Monthly Meeting AGM & Demonstration Steve Leadenham – 8th September 7pm

This month for our meeting we have our Annual General Meeting and then after the proceedings we are pleased to welcome Steve Leadenham to demonstrate his Transport Art – Trains, Planes & Automobiles in Oils. The Monthly Meeting for September is on Tuesday the 8th, 7pm at the Stans Stevens Studio, Deerubbin Centre, George St, Windsor.

As a society the MTAS is run by volunteers. This year we have had a very dedicated committee who have worked hard and at our AGM there will be some vacating these positions and not able to return for personal reasons.

We would like to appeal to the wider Hawkesbury Community to any out there that might be interested in helping the society particularly for our Treasury book keeping position, and the role of President. You do not need to be an artist yourself to fill these roles, but some interest in art and craft is welcomed.

This year it would be fantastic if we could have some new faces. If you or your family/friends may be able to take on a role it would be a great help to keep the Art Society running. Please consider a position as we all know that many hands make light work!

We want our Arts Society to continue well into the future with many successful artistic endeavours to come.

Anyone who is interesting in taking on a postion to help out the Society can email to info [@] or call Sharron on 02 4572 5580

The Committee positions are listed below:

(1) President
(2) Vice President
(3) Secretary
(4) Treasurer
(5) Assistant Secretary
(6) Assistant Treasurer
(7) Publicity Officer
(8) Membership Officer
(9) Functions Officer
(10) Children’s Art Classes Co-ordinator

We also have Non Committee Positions that need to be filled. This means you have a role to help the society but are not expected to attend committee meetings, even though most welcome to if you would like to: Newsletter & Graphic Editor, Field day Organiser, Exhibition Manager, Exhibition Equip Mgr, Catering Supper, Catering Exhibitions, Functions RSA, Public Officer, CASS Representative, Librarian, Assistant Librarian, Open Day Organisers (Yarramundi), and Historian/Archives Officer.

Monthly Demonstration – 8th September: Steve Leadenham
Transport Art – Trains, Planes & Automobiles in Oils


Steve will be doing Transport Art – Trains, Planes & Automobiles in Oils.

Steve is a Sydney based artist specialising in transport-themed subjects. Although he has painted all his life, he has been painting to an increasing audience of transport enthusiasts and professionals since 2003 focusing on works in oils and acrylics. He has been exhibiting at regional art shows over the past ten years at which Steve has sold many paintings and received a number of awards. He also had a number of solo exhibitions and displays and have demonstrated his technique to many art groups across the Sydney area.

Steve ‘s website and facebook

7.00pm Tuesday 8th September at the Stan Stevens Studio, Windsor Library, Deerubbin Centre, George St, Windsor
(Please arrange to park outside of Library due to carpark early closure)

Entry is free for MTAS members and visitors (includes supper)

For Enquiries phone Sharron on 02 4572 5580

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