Category: Announcement

Update: Musson Lane Gallery Closed 10th-16th July 2021


Dear MTAS Members,

Please note that with the Sydney COVID restrictions extended the Musson Lane Gallery will continue to be closed through 10th July until Friday July 16th.

All activities at this venue, within this period, will be suspended.

The new expected date of re-opening is now Saturday 17th July 2021.
However, we will continue to keep you informed of any further news.

Many regards,

MTAS Committee.



Richmond Marketplace Exhibition Entry 2021

Richmond Marketplace Exhibition

Our popular exhibition is on again from 19th — 22nd August 2021
The address is Richmond Marketplace, 64 March St, Richmond NSW 2753
Social distancing and safe practices will be followed.

Please note: If you wish to make a submission for the exhibit the deadline is August 1st.

There is always a good response to this exhibition and we usually do well with sales.
Smaller works are best for this show.

To enter the exhibition click here:
Entry Form
Framing Requirements

5 small to medium works can be entered.

Your Entry form can be:

  • Dropped in person to Musson Lane or Richmond Art Supplies
  • Mailed in to P.O. Box 1058, Richmond NSW 2753
  • E-mail scanned entry to info [@] and pay via EFT

We look forward to seeing you there

MTAS Membership Renewal 1st July 2021

MTAS Membership is due!

Yearly membership is in line with the financial year so renewal is 1st July 2021.

To renew your membership please print and complete the membership form found here: MTAS Membership form PDF.

Please note: There are two x A5 forms on the A4 page for printing – one for you and one for a friend or for next year! (This is so your printer will like the print out)

Every member needs to fill out a new form with their membership each year please.

You can return your form with fee to:

  • P.O. BOX 1058, RICHMOND NSW 2753
  • Scan your filled out form and email then EFT Bank Transfer the funds to MTAS
  • in-person to a Committee Member at a meeting
  • in person at Richmond Art Supplies, Shop 1, 328 Windsor St Richmond
  • (online renewal is currently not available but may be soon)

Stay up to date on MTAS announcements & events, check, be a part of the local Hawkesbury art community and exhibit your work in our exhibitions.

Follow us on our website and social media channels:

MTAS website



MTAS July 2021 Newsletter

Hi MTAS Members,

Here is your July 2021 Newsletter.

However, please note that several changes have occurred since the Newsletter was written, due to new COVID restrictions:

  • Penny Oates will not be demonstrating for 13th of July, artist and meeting/zoom is TBA
  • The Todd Whisson Workshop has been postponed, new date TBA

This newsletter also includes:

  • Roles for our AGM Committee Nominations – please submit your Nominations as soon as possible and support our Art Society
  • Membership Renewal is due in line with new financial year – Membership Form included
  • Marketplace Exhibition 19th – 22nd Aug – Entry Form included, due by 1st Aug

Please use this link to view your July Newsletter:
MTAS July 2021 Newsletter

Please also check back often to our channels for more MTAS activities:
MTAS blog

You can also find past newsletters on this page of our website:

Stay safe and creative everyone.

Many regards,
The MTAS Committee



Notice: Musson Lane Closure 26th June — 9th July

Musson Lane Closure 26th June – 9th July 2021
MTAS activities suspended

Dear MTAS Members,

Please note that with the Sydney COVID Restrictions in place our Musson Lane Gallery will be closed until Friday 9th of July.

All activities at this venue, including the 6th July Paint Along Open Day, will be suspended at this time.

The expected date of re-opening is Saturday 10th July 2021, but we will keep you informed of any further news.

The Children’s School Holiday Workshops are also suspended until further notice.
We will endeavour to have our Demonstration Meeting with Penny Oates on the 13th of July with a limit of 25 people, along with Zoom and Covid safe practices in place.

At the moment we are not aware of any local cases in the Hawkesbury, but we hope that everyone stays safe and we will keep a close eye on the NSW Government website for more information.
Stay safe and keep on with your Art projects!

Many regards,

MTAS Committee.

Members: We need you for Duty at Musson Lane This Saturday, 26th June 2021

Hi Members,

We need more members to help man the gallery for Roster Duty please. We really need some more people for this Saturday, 26th June from 10am – 1pm and 1pm-4pm.

Please let Sheila know as soon as possible on 0408 161 284 or email info [@]

We always have a committee person on duty with you and you are there to help meet & greet, encourage sales, and advertise MTAS activities with visitors.

Please consider helping out so that we can keep the Gallery running for all of us.

If you can help with other Saturdays please also contact Sheila or reply to this email on info [@]

MTAS Committee

Reminder: Take in for Autumn Exhibition This Saturday, 22nd May

Take in for Autumn Exhibition
This Saturday,
22nd May 2021

Don’t forget that take in for works in the Autumn Exhibition is this Saturday, 22nd May from 10am – 12pm.

Please take your work for entry to the side entrance closest to the trophy shop for dropping off from 10am – 12pm. They will then be processed there and you can exit via the front entry closest to the car park.

Open weekends are Saturday, 29th & Sunday, 30th May, then Saturdays 5th & 12th June with exhibition closing Friday, June 18th.

For more news about MTAS, you can follow us on our channels:

MTAS blog

For inquiries email info [@] or ph Sheila 0408 161 284

More Volunteers for the Hawkesbury Show Roster

Hi MTAS Members,

We need some more people to fill the roster for Hawkesbury Show duty on the following days please:

Friday, 23rd April
5pm – 9pm – we need 3 more (we already have one but need 4 on duty for each time slot)

Saturday, 24th April
1.30pm – 5pm – we need 1 more please
5pm – 9pm – we need 2 more please

If we get your name in time, you will have A FREE ENTRY TICKET.

There will be an Entry Desk by the Main Door (old Photography position). You will watch/police those coming in and sell catalogues.

The Sales Desk will also be in its usual (exit) position. There will be Stewards (Gary Hudson, Kym Morris, Sheila Sharp + others) who will sit and help.

Please let us know as soon as possible if you can help.

Please Contact Sheila  0408 161 284 or  info [@] with inquiries or to volunteer on the roster as soon as possible.

NOTICE: Danni Liu Workshop Rescheduled to Sun 18th April

Danni Liu Workshop – Watercolour
Rescheduled to Sunday, 18th April 2021
From 10am to 4pm

We have rescheduled the Danni Liu Watercolour workshop for a new date Sunday, 18th April 2021.

We still have some places so come join the workshop and learn Danni’s beautiful Watercolour techniques.

Where: Stan Stevens Studio, Deerubbin Centre, George St, Windsor.
Workshop date: Sunday, 18th April 2021
Time: 10am – 4pm
Cost: $50 for Members and $55 for Non-members
Light morning tea and Tea & Coffee are provided.
Please bring your own lunch.

To book or inquire please phone Annmaree 0429 234 873

We will be painting two subjects during this workshop, a cat and a rose, using Danni’s wet in wet techniques for both. (images on the day may vary from the examples below)

Materials needed:

Watercolour Paints:
The Rose – Scarlet lake, Rose Madder, Terre Verte, Cadmium Yellow and Permanent Violet
The Cat – Neutral tint or grey, Cerulean Blue, Burnt Sienna and Rose Madder.
Don’t worry if it is not the exact same colours, something similar will do just fine.

Good quality watercolour paper, 300g, medium rough, 1/8 or 1/4 sheet. 1 sheet for each painting.

Brushes: Chinese brush or round brush, flat brush and angle brush. Pick brush size based on the size of the paper you use.

Paper towels, 2 cups for water, pencil + eraser, spray bottle, masking tape, boards (to hold the paper, should be reasonably waterproof).

About Danni Liu:

Danni Liu is a self-taught watercolour artist located in Kariong, NSW, Australia. She has been practising her art more seriously since 2014. She has exhibited frequently with the Central Coast Watercolour Society, the Central Coast Art Society and the Ku-Ring Gai Art Society with places in her sections and public choice awards. Also winning multiple awards in Gosford, Hornsby, Hunters Hill, Singleton and Australian Artist Art Prizes Danni’s work will be wonderful to see.

Danni likes to paint a variety of subjects, from flowers to landscapes, and birds to portraits.

This is a great opportunity to enjoy working with a gifted artist to foster greater awareness, expertise and hone existing skills.

To book or inquire please phone Annmaree 0429 234 873

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