Category: Announcement

Hawkesbury Art Prize – Entries close September 8th 2021

Hawkesbury Art Prize 2021

Reminder The Hawkesbury Art Prize is closing 5:00pm Wednesday 8th September 2021

Opening Event and Awarding of Prizes: Saturday 9th October 2021 and will be opened by Federal Member for Macquarie, Susan Templeman.

The Hawkesbury Art Prize Inc. is a non-acquisitive art award originally established in 2011 operating as a not for profit event run by an incorporated committee of dedicated volunteers.

1st Prize, The Hawkesbury Art Prize: $10,000 plus 2 week art residency at Glenhuntly Estate, Kurrajong

Highly Commended: $1,000 plus 2 week art residency at Glenhuntly Estate, Kurrajong.

Highly Commended (Hawkesbury Resident): $1,000

4 x Commended: Minor prize attached to this award

‘Packers Prize’ (selected by committee): $500

The art prize is for a painting or collage that is inspired by contemporary Australian identity. Artists are invited to respond to the concept of contemporary identity in Australian life. Accordingly, the theme often helps artists explain the rapidly changing environment in which they live, or, conversely, promotes diverse portrayals of history, landscape, and ways of seeing.

The aim of the Hawkesbury Art Prize is to promote art in the Hawkesbury/Western Sydney region and increase awareness of art and cultural activity, to the mutual benefit of community, artists and students. Profits have led to the establishment of financial scholarship for talented and aspirational young artists in the region.

The Prize attracts a national audience and high profile participants to the Hawkesbury region, embracing the cultural and economic environment of the community. Around 40 – 50 finalists are invited to exhibit and sell their work at the Opening Exhibition, which follows the announcement of winners.

We look forward to seeing the exhibition in October.

2015 Winner Hiren Patel “Winter Light Sydney”

2019 Winner Ben Tankard “Aussie As 2”

2011 Winner: Naomi Grant “Beachscape”

Reminder: MTAS August Art Challenge ‘Fabulous Fakes’

Reminder: MTAS Online Art Challenge August 2021
“Fabulous Fakes”

Don’t forget we have our August Art Challenge on at the moment! You can take part from the comfort of your own home and posting through the MTAS Facebook page.

The Challenge theme will differ month to month. The theme for August is “Fabulous Fakes.”

For our August’s theme you can paint, draw, create an artwork that is inspired by, in the style of, or a re-creation of an artwork by any great or renowned historical artist. The artwork needs to be out of copyright, being more than 70 years old.

Please remember any artwork made in this fashion must be signed with the word: “After” followed by the original artist’s name. So for example: “By John Doe – After Mondrian” or “Jane Doe After Van Gogh.”

For this Challenge small to medium sized artworks are accepted. You must include: the size, medium it is created in and price can be included also. (This way if anyone likes your work they can contact you directly and make a purchase!). If it is not for sale please note NFS.

Members and non members are welcome to join this challenge!

To enter you can submit a photo of your artwork as a reply to the Challenge post on the MTAS facebook page.

Entries need to be replied to the post by the 10th of September and we will be discussing the entries at the September MTAS Monthly Meeting on Tuesday 14th via Zoom!

Let’s get creative everyone!

— MTAS Committee.
You can also follow MTAS on:
MTAS blog

Monthly Meeting AGM Sept 14th 2021

AGM, Monthly Meeting September 14th 2021

It’s almost September, which means we have our Annual General Meeting.

This Meeting is scheduled for September the 14th at 7.30pm.

Due to lockdown restrictions this Meeting will be held through zoom.

Please register your attendance at info [@]

Here is the Zoom link for the night:

After the AGM, Satya Morrison will be giving a presentation about Digital Art & How To Optimise Images for the Web. Covering a range of Software and techniques to make and manage your Digital Art & Images online. Satya has over 25 years experience in this field.

Your Art Society Needs You!

Our Art Society is run by volunteers and our dedicated committee has worked very hard through the year to keep things going during these challenging times.

We are always in need of new people to help run the Society and would love to see some more members helping out with the roles listed below.

If you, your friends or family can assist please let us know. You do not need to be an artist yourself to fill these roles, but some interest in arts and crafts is welcome.

To nominate yourself or another person please email to info [@]

We want our Art Society to continue well into the future with many successful artistic endeavours to come, so please consider helping out!

REMEMBER we also need members present to vote!

All positions will be declared vacant on the night and anyone interested in taking on a position to help out the Society can email info [@] or call Pat Bakarich on 0415 200 446 for more information.

The Committee positions are listed below:

(1) President

(2) Vice President

(3) Secretary

(4) Treasurer

(5) Assistant Secretary

(6) Assistant Treasurer

(7) Publicity Officer

(8) Membership Officer

(9) Functions Officer

(10) Children’s Art Classes Co-ordinator

We also have Non Committee Positions that need to be filled. This means you have a role to help the society but are not expected to attend committee meetings, even though most welcome, if you would like to: Newsletter & Graphic Editor, Field day Organiser, Exhibition Manager, Exhibition Equip Mgr, Catering Supper, Catering Exhibitions, Functions RSA, Public Officer, CASS Representative, Librarian, Assistant Librarian, Open Day Organisers (Yarramundi), and Historian/Archives Officer.

Follow MTAS on our channels too:

MTAS blog

Joe Cartwright Zoom Aug Demo on Youtube

Joe Cartwright Demo Recording – August 2021

Last Tuesday night we had Joe Cartwright demonstrate Watercolours for us via Zoom for our August monthly meeting. It was an excellent demo and Joe’s setup in his studio is impressive.

Joe very kindly recorded the demonstration and you can see it here on his Youtube channel link here: MTAS August Demo Recording

It was a great demo so hope you enjoy and get inspired!

Follow MTAS on our channels too:

MTAS blog


MTAS Online Art Challenge August 2021

MTAS Online Art Challenge August 2021
“Fabulous Fakes”

We’re excited to announce a new Art Challenge that you can take part in from the comfort of your home through the MTAS Facebook page. We hope to keep this going each month. The Challenge theme will differ month to month. The theme for August is “Fabulous Fakes.”

So the aim of August’s theme is to paint, draw, create an artwork that is inspired by, in the style of, or a re-creation of an artwork by any great or renowned historical artist. The artwork needs to be out of copyright, being more than 70 years old.

Please remember any artwork made in this fashion must be signed with the word: “After” followed by the original artist’s name. So for example: “By John Doe – After Mondrian” or “Jane Doe After Van Gogh.”

For this Challenge small to medium sized artworks are accepted. You must include: the size, medium it is created in and price can be included also. (This way if anyone likes your work they can contact you directly and make a purchase!). If it is not for sale please note NFS.

Members and non members are welcome to join this challenge!

To enter you can submit a photo of your artwork as a reply to the Challenge post on the MTAS facebook page.

Entries need to be replied to the post by the 10th of September and we will be discussing the entries at the September MTAS Monthly meeting on Tuesday 14th (If lock down is extended this is likely to be via zoom)

Let’s get creative everyone!

— MTAS Committee.
You can also follow MTAS on:
MTAS blog

MTAS Newsletter August 2021

MTAS August Newsletter 2021

Hi MTAS Members,

Here is your August 2021 Newsletter. Please be aware that some restrictions have changed so some events may not be going ahead for example Marketplace Exhibition.

Please use this link to view your Newsletter: MTAS August 2021 Newsletter

You can also check our channels for more on MTAS:
MTAS blog

You can find past newsletters on this page of our website:

Stay safe and creative everyone.

Many regards,
The MTAS Committee


MTAS Marketplace Exhibition Cancelled

Richmond Marketplace Exhibition Cancelled

Hello Members,

Unfortunately due to Covid Lockdown now being extended in Sydney until 28th August the Marketplace exhibition that was planned for 19th – 22nd August will be cancelled.

Any members who have sent entries will be refunded.

We have some plans for an online challenge that will keep us painting, drawing etc and doing our art.

So stay tuned on that one.

We hope that our Spring exhibition will be able to go ahead so let’s all look forward to that one.

In the meantime, please stay safe and keep creative.

The MTAS Committee.

MTAS CASS Update and News

Combined Arts Societies of Sydney (CASS)
Update and News


Art at the top:

The CASS “Art at the Top” event is scheduled to go ahead for the 26th to 29th of November 2021 and interest has been positive so far. This is the alternative event to ‘Art in Action’ that used to run at Meroo in Kurrajong each year.

The workshops have started filling up so if you would like to attend make sure you get your bookings in as soon as possible. Please check out more details at the link here

Art in the Mountains:
There is changed circumstances and shortening of time for the exhibition which will now run from 2/8 – 16/8. If the gallery cannot open, it will be defered again to a time next year – 7/7 – 25/7 2022. If the gallery is able to open but Greater Sydney folk cannot travel to Katoomba artists will be advised of courier options for their work.

Art of Sydney:
The Art of Sydney is planned to go ahead with both the Australian National Maritime Museum (ANMM) and the virtual exhibition. Currently looking for a judge and sponsorship. Paintings delivered to Bankstown will be judged – other works may be entered in the virtual exhibition but would not be judged unless all work was only virtual in the event ANMM is cancelled due to restrictions. Stay tuned for entry forms for this January 2022 event (usually held around Australia Day).

CASS AGM will be held virtually, via Google Meet, on 26th September at 1:30.

Stay tuned for more information for further events.

MTAS Committee

A view of Stanwell Park and surrounds from Bald Hill. Photo by Strata8

A view of Stanwell Park and surrounds from Bald Hill. Photo by Strata8

10th Aug Monthly Meeting Demo via Zoom – Joe Cartwright Watercolours

MTAS Monthly Demonstration Meeting
Tuesday 10th Aug 2021 7.30pm
Joe Cartwright ‘Waterscape’ in Watercolours

We are very lucky to have one of our brilliant members Joe Cartwright as our next demonstrating artist on Tuesday 10th August.

With the uncertainty of lock down and safety in NSW we have decided to deliver the coming meeting via Zoom only for August and hope that face to face can return for our September Meeting.

Since the start of the pandemic Joe has revolutionised how he teaches his classes using only Zoom now as his delivery method. He has honed his skills to be able to deliver to students not only in Australia, but all over the world, on a regular weekly basis. (For more info about Joe’s classes on his website you can click here)

Joe has very kindly agreed to give us the demo directly from his studio with his excellent setup via Zoom and we are excited to see this in action.

The demonstration will be at the same time as our Monthly Meeting would usually be – 10th of August at 7.30pm and go until approximately 9pm. We will have the usual few announcements at the start from Committee, Joe will demonstrate and people can also ask questions during and at the end of the demo.

Joe is exceptionally skilled in Watercolours and will be doing a ‘Waterscape’ for us on the night.

MTAS has decided to give this demonstration to members and their guests without the usual door entry fee of $5, so we need you to please register your attendance well in advance to be sent the link to your email to be able to attend and be admitted to the Zoom session.

You MUST register to attend by emailing  info [@]

Please register by the 8th August so that we have time to send you out your link and we know who will be attending.

If you need assistance setting up Zoom on your computer or your mobile device you can also ask Satya on 0405 337 652.

For inquiries about this demonstration phone Annmaree 0429 234 873
Look forward to seeing you there!

About Joe Cartwright

Joe has been painting with watercolour since 1998 and his paintings cover a wide range of subjects including portraits, seascapes, landscape, flowers, wildlife and townscapes.

He has exhibited at regional and National art shows throughout his career — selling over 300 hundred paintings and receiving over 90 awards.
In 2009 Joe won the John Copes Watercolour Prize.
The Australian Artist Magazine has published his articles on two occasions, as has The Artists Palette Magazine.
Joe has published two excellent books on watercolour you can view here.
He is a member of Macquarie Towns Arts Society and Nepean Art Society at which he teaches watercolour and runs regular workshops.

You can see more of Joe’s work here:

We look forward to seeing you there!

You can also follow MTAS on:
MTAS blog

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