CASS ‘Online’ Summer Sale Exhibition – Entry Forms Now Available

Combined Art Societies of Sydney (CASS)
‘Online’ Summer Sale Exhibition
Entry Forms Available

The entry forms for the Combined Art Societies of Sydney (CASS) ‘Online’ Summer Sale Exhibition is now available. The exhibit will be from 1st December 2023 until 31st January 2024.

This sale is for CASS Artists only and the site is password protected.

Please follow these steps to access it:

  • Go to the CASS website 
  • Look for ‘Summer Sale’ on the landing page
  • Click on ‘Enter’ and use the code CAO999
  • Click on ‘Members and entry form’.

The closing date for entries will be 24th November 2023.

For more info, you can download the Terms and Conditions here:
CASS ‘Online’ Summer Sale Terms & Conditions

Artists can enter paintings of any age, medium, or subject – framed or unframed, or on a stretched canvas complete with a hanging cord, or works on paper with or without a matt board. Artists can enter up to 6 paintings.

Before you fill in the Entry Form, please make sure that you have the size, weight, medium, and prices of each entry as you will be asked to provide these.

The Sale Price limit will be $300.00 as an incentive for buyers to purchase a Christmas gift, as all work submitted will be valued at well over the sale price.

For more info, you can visit their website at

We’re looking forward to seeing your work in this exhibition!

#CASS #combinedartsocietiessydney #OnlineSummerSaleExhibition #CASSExhibit #casssummersale

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