MTAS Monthly Demo Meeting, 8th September – Virginia Wheatley

Monthly Demonstration Meeting 8th September
Virginia Wheatley – Mixed media

We are delighted to have Virginia Wheatley demonstrating Mixed Media on Tuesday, 8th September, 7:30pm at the Stan Stevens Studio in Windsor. Come along or join us online to see this very beautiful and interesting medium being demonstrated.  With Covidsafe practises in place this demo will have a limit of 25 attending so please make sure you register your attendance here: info [@]

We will also have it on Zoom and our social channels for those who can’t attend the venue. See bottom of this post for more info on our channels.

Regarding our AGM:

This meeting will replace our usual Annual General Meeting that we would normally have at this time.

The world continues to see change in the way we work, our participation in the community and events.

NSW Fair Trading has, in recognition of the current circumstances, made provision for societies such as ours to choose to not hold an Annual General Meeting in 2020, and so we will defer until 2021.

This is provided the financial statement for 2020 is completed and is, along with the 2021 statement, presented at the 2021 AGM.

The MTAS committee has elected to postpone the 2020 AGM accordingly and, fortunately, our committee has kept their hands up for another year. If however during this time any committee member discontinues in their position, a call will go out for volunteers to assist until the AGM takes place.

Please join me in thanking the committee for their diligence and commitment to keep MTAS going through such difficult times.

The NSW Fair Trading information can be found at

So at 7.30pm Viriginia will demonstrate a variety of mixed media techniques, including “having fun with yupo”. Learn how to revive and add excitement to those watercolours you filed away.

You can also add imagery to them by lifting off and collaging on vibrant paintings from yupo (brilliant white synthetic paper); lifting off newsprint and photographs, or adding prints – or do all three.

You can even incorporate “found objects” such as pressed flowers and leaves.


About Virginia Wheatley:

Virginia Wheatley works using different medium and styles. Her studio, Blue Toucan Art is located in Kurrajong village, where she enjoys the peaceful and amazing views of the Kurrajong foothills.

Her paintings can be found around Australia and abroad, and is a regular exhibitor at the Macquarie Towns Art Society.

More Info:

This demonstration will be limited to 25 people including the committee. The committee meeting will be held in the Tebbutt Room at 5.45pm and demonstration will be in the Stan Stevens Studio from 7.30pm.

To register your attendance please email  info [@]

We plan to also broadcast the demonstration live on Zoom, hopefully, Instagram live and recording to be posted on our Youtube channel. For those who wish to view remotely please see below and follow us.

See links below:
Join Zoom Meeting: MTAS Demonstration Virginia Wheatley,  7.30pm 08-09-20:

Please follow us:
MTAS blog

For inquiries phone Annmaree 0429 234 873

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